
專欄 admin 0評論
2019年4月18日 15時00分


新交所牛市义跑启动 2019 年筹款活动,砂之船资产管理公司担任高级合作伙伴

– 砂之船資產管理公司在慶祝砂之船房地產投資信託在新交所上市一周年之際,捐款30萬新元支持新交所牛市義跑活動
– 這是新交所旗艦慈善項目近年來收到的最大單筆捐款

30萬新元捐款儀式:支持新交所牛市義跑募款,受益慈善機構為新加坡公益金。從左到右 -梁鳳霞女士, 陳永祥先生, 陳文仁先生, 徐榮燦先生, 楊雪女士和洪明發先生

新加坡 , 2019年4月18日 – (亞太商訊) – 本年度新加坡交易所(“新交所”)旗艦慈善項目牛市義跑的籌款行動強勢開局,砂之船房地產投資信託的管理公司砂之船資產管理公司率先作為高級合作夥伴參與。

在 4 月 17 日舉行的慶祝砂之船房地產投資信託在新交所主板 上市一周年 的晚宴上,砂之船資產管理公司主席徐榮燦將金額為30萬新元的支票捐贈給了新交所代表和牛市義跑六個受益團體之一的公益金 (Community Chest) 主席陳永祥。砂之船房地產投資信託的投資組合包括在中國的四家優質收益型奧特萊斯購物中心,並在 2018 年 3 月成為首個在亞洲上市的奧特萊斯購物中心房地產投資信託。

新交所牛市義跑主席兼股票和固定收益主管周士達表示:“我們很高興以近年來的最大單筆捐款啟動我們的 2019 年籌款活動。作為我們的高級合作夥伴,砂之船資產管理公司的貢獻為我們的慈善項目提供了巨大動力。我們期待匯聚金融界之力量,在全年的牛市義跑中,為受益團體開展更多工作。”


陳永祥表示:“自 2016 年以來,新交所牛市義跑一直在穩步增加對公益金的貢獻,使我們能夠支持我們所關愛的人士不斷增長的需求。我們很高興歡迎砂之船資產管理公司加入新交所牛市義跑捐贈者的大家庭,使得需要幫助的人們能夠在這個關愛他人的包容性社會中得以尊嚴地生活,我們也期待大家攜手在社會服務的社群中產生更大的影響力!”

新交所牛市義跑於 2004 年推出,每年舉行一次,匯聚新加坡金融界和新交所上市公司的力量,為貧困兒童和家庭、殘疾人和老年人提供支持。本年度的收益將給予亞洲婦女福利協會 (AWWA)、新加坡自閉症協會、公益金、飛躍社區服務、高峰社會服務協會和慈善共享服務組織。2018 年,六位受益團體共收到 330 萬新元捐款——這是過去十年來籌集的最高金額。

一年一度的新交所牛市義跑活動包括 高爾夫球賽、名人室內五人制足球 賽以及壓軸戲 慈善義跑,參賽者義跑路線將經過新加坡市區一些最具標誌性的景點。本年度的慈善高爾夫球賽將於 5 月 17 日在聖淘沙高爾夫俱樂部舉行。今年全年,新交所員工還會為老人烹制飯食,並在 SGX Cares 系列關懷活動中帶領他們短途旅行。

Sponsorship Statement:
DBS Bank Ltd. was the sole financial adviser and issue manager for the initial public offering of Sasseur REIT (the “Offering”). DBS Bank Ltd. and Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch were the joint global coordinators to the Offering. DBS Bank Ltd., Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch, China International Capital Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Limited, Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Pte. Ltd., Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited, Haitong International Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte. Ltd. were the joint bookrunners and underwriters to the Offering.

About SGX Bull Charge
Launched in 2004, SGX Bull Charge is the only corporate charity initiative that brings together Singapore’s financial community and listed companies to support the needs of underprivileged children and families, persons with disabilities, as well as the elderly. As part of our corporate social responsibility efforts, SGX Bull Charge has raised $32 million for more than 50 charities, providing beneficiaries with care and assistance and helping them lead a more positive, meaningful and comfortable life. For more information, please visit https://bullcharge.sgx.com/.

About Sasseur Asset Management Pte Ltd. (SAMPL)
Sasseur REIT, the first listed outlet mall in Asia, is managed by SAMPL, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Sponsor. SAMPL’s key responsibility is to manage Sasseur REIT’s assets and liabilities for the benefit of Unitholders.

SAMPL intends to utilise Sasseur REIT’s first-mover advantage and acquire suitable properties with good investment characteristics in Asia or other parts of the world. SAMPL’s acquisition growth strategy is to identify and selectively pursue acquisition opportunities in quality income-producing properties used mainly for retail outlet mall purposes initially in the PRC and subsequently in other countries.

For more information on Sasseur REIT, please visit http://www.sasseurreit.com/.
For more information on the Sponsor, please visit http://www.sasseur.com/.

About Singapore Exchange (SGX)
Singapore Exchange is Asia’s leading and trusted market infrastructure, operating equity, fixed income and derivatives markets to the highest regulatory standards. As Asia’s most international, multi-asset exchange, SGX provides listing, trading, clearing, settlement, depository and data services, with about 40% of listed companies and over 80% of listed bonds originating outside of Singapore.

SGX is the world’s most liquid international market for the benchmark equity indices of China, India, Japan and ASEAN and offers commodities and currency derivatives products. Headquartered in AAA-rated Singapore, SGX is globally recognised for its risk management and clearing capabilities. For more information, please visitwww.sgx.com.

Chin May Nah
Head of Media Communications
+65 6713 6327

Sasseur Asset Management
Wong Siew Lu
Manager, Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs
+65 6360 0290

News URL: https://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/simplifiedchinese/51255/

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